Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology
Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology


Volume 67, Issue 6, 2017

67(6), 2017

Letters to the Editor

Anesthesia for intestinal obstruction in a six years old child with cerebro-oculo-facio-skeletal syndrome Ahmet Yüksek, Yüksel Ela, Elif Doğan Baki, Serdar Kokulu Letters to the Editor
Anesthesia in a newborn with Klippel-Feil syndrome Mefkur Bakan Letters to the Editor
Reply to the letter to the Editor Fabricio Tavares Mendonça Gabriel Magalhães Nunes Guimarães Letters to the Editor

Scientific Article
Axillary local anesthetic spread after the thoracic interfacial ultrasound block - a cadaveric and radiological evaluation Patricia Alfaro de la Torre; Jerry Wayne Jones Jr.; Servando López Álvarez; Paula Diéguez Garcia; Francisco Javier Garcia de Miguel; Eva Maria Monzon Rubio; Federico Carol Boeris; Monir Kabiri Sacramento; Osmany Duany; Mario Fajardo Pérez; Borja de la Quintana Gordon Scientific Article
Hyperglycemia assessment in the post-anesthesia care unit Vinicius Rodovalho Pereira; Rodrigo Akio Azuma; Bruno Emanuel Oliva Gatto; João Manoel Silva Junior; Maria Jose Carvalho Carmona; Luiz Marcelo Sá Malbouisson Scientific Article
The practice of postanesthesia visits - a questionnaire study Tobias Fink; Hauke Rensing; Thomas Volk; Ragnar Huhn; Alexander M. Mathes Scientific Article
Comparison of different methods of nasogastric tube insertion in anesthetized and intubated patients Ali Sait Kavakli; Nilgun Kavrut Ozturk; Arzu Karaveli; Asuman Arslan Onuk; Lutfi Ozyurek; Kerem Inanoglu Scientific Article
Anesthesiologists' knowledge about packed red blood cells transfusion in surgical patients Joyce Mendes Soares; Athos Gabriel Vilela Queiroz; Vaniely Kaliny Pinheiro de Queiroz; Ana Rodrigues Falbo; Marcelo Neves Silva; Tania Cursino de Menezes Couceiro; Luciana Cavalcanti Lima Scientific Article
Use of protocol and evaluation of postoperative residual curarization incidence in the absence of intraoperative acceleromyography - Randomized clinical trial Filipe Nadir Caparica Santos; Angelica de Fátima de Assunção Braga; Carla Josefine Barbosa de Lima Ribeiro; Franklin Sarmento da Silva Braga; Vanessa Henriques Carvalho; Fernando Eduardo Feres Junqueira Scientific Article
Dexmedetomidine preconditioning protects against lipopolysaccharides-induced injury in the human alveolar epithelial cells Lei Zhang; Xian-Jin Zhou; Li-Ying Zhan; Xiao-Jing Wu; Wen-Lan Li; Bo Zhao; Qing-Tao Meng; Zhong-Yuan Xia Scientific Article
Influence of perfusion status on central and mixed venous oxygen saturation in septic patients Simone Harumi Goto; Bruno Franco Mazza; Flávio Geraldo Resende Freitas; Flávia Ribeiro Machado Scientific Article
Comparison of granisetron and lidocaine on reducing injection pain of etomidate: a controlled randomized study Alireza Saliminia; Omid Azimaraghi; Amir Javadi; Maryam Abdoulahpoor; Ali Movafegh Scientific Article

Review Article
Importance of using basic statistics adequately in clinical research Célio Fernando de Sousa Rodrigues; Fernando José Camello de Lima; Fabiano Timbó Barbosa Review Article

Clinical Informations
Anesthesia for lower extremity vascular bypass with peripheral nerve block Jordana de Fraga Guimarães; Cristine Formighieri Angonese; Rafael Klein Gomes; Vasco Miranda Junior; Carlos Farias Clinical Informations
Multimodal therapeutic approach of vaginismus: an innovative approach through trigger point infiltration and pulsed radiofrequency of the pudendal nerve Joana Chaves Gonçalves Rodrigues de Carvalho; Luís Miguel Agualusa; Luísa Manuela Ribeiro Moreira; Joana Catarina Monteiro da Costa Clinical Informations
Airway management in Ludwig's angina - a challenge: case report Roberto Taboada Fellini; Daniel Volquind; Otávio Haygert Schnor; Marcelo Gustavo Angeletti; Olívia Egger de Souza Clinical Informations
King Vision video laryngoscope for severe post burn contracture neck: an encouraging experience Qazi Ehsan Ali; Obaid Ahmed Siddiqui; Syed Hussain Amir; Sarfaraz Ahmad; Shaista Jamil Clinical Informations
Anesthesia in anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis - is general anesthesia a requisite? A case report Sook Hui Chaw; Li Lian Foo; Lucy Chan; Kang Kwong Wong; Suhailah Abdullah; Boon Kiong Lim Clinical Informations
Tropical spastic paraparesis - anesthetic approach Margarida Rodrigues; Francisco Cabral; Fátima Pina Clinical Informations
Intractable intraoperative brain herniation secondary to tension pneumocephalus: a rare life-threatening complication during drainage of subdural empyema Li Lian Foo; Sook Hui Chaw; Lucy Chan; Dharmendra Ganesan; Ravindran Karuppiah Clinical Informations
Dissection of the wired endotracheal tube's lumen during general anesthesia: a case report Fabricio Tavares Mendonça; Leonardo Damasceno Martins; Rodrigo Gazzi; Jose Tadeu dos Santos Palmieri Clinical Informations

Braz J Anesthesiol

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