Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal
Volume 13, 2015
13, 2015
Case & Study vol.13, 1-5 Proprioception influence in the balance of gymnastics rhythmic postural athletes.
Semeão, Florisvaldo Aparecido; Hirata, Ana Claudia de Souza; Bertin, Larissa Dragonetti; Oliveira, Rodrigo Franco; Oliveira, Rodrigo Franco de vol.13 Effects of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation on the functional independence measure in patients with Parkinson’s disease.
Carvalho, Emilton Lima de; Queiroz, Ilkiane Pinheiro; Queiroz, Ilkilene Pinheiro; Batista, Ingred Merllin de Souza; Maciel, Thiago dos Santos; Arêas, Fernando Zanela da Silva
Research Article vol.13 The effects of the exercises of segmental stabilization in low back pain
Barradas, Layanna Patrícia Freitas; Silva, Luiz Fernando Batista Pereira; Sousa, Rayssilane Cardoso de; Matos, Ludmila Karen B. L. de; Carvalho, Ana Flávia Machado de vol.13 Ten seconds of passive stretching reduces the maximum strength
Di Mauro, Henrique Scomparim; Moriggi Junior, Roberto; Dias, Sergio de Carvalho; Matos, Jaqueline Maria de; Urtado, Christiano Bertoldo vol.13 Classical massage in multiplesclerosis.
Santos, Iara; Laurito, Gabrielle Stephanie Soares; Silva, Maria Nazaré Soares; Carruba, Marcelo; Leal, Andrea Fernanda; Barcala, Luciana vol.13 Can the kinesio taping change the pelvic tilt angle in healthy young women?
Peixoto, Jennifer Granja; Borel, Wyngrid Porfirio; Avelino, Patrick Roberto; Silva, Marina Ribeiro; Rocha, Gerdeany Mendes da; Teixeira-Salmela, Luci Fuscaldi vol.13 Analysis of low level laser therapy in vitro cultures of bacteria and fungi
Andraus, Rodrigo Antonio Carvalho; Maia, Luciana Prado; Santos, João Paulo Manfré dos; Mesquita, Amanda Rezende; Santos, Thaynara Gonzaga; Braoios, Alexandre; Prado, Rodrigo Paschoal vol.13 The influence of ultrasonic radiation of low intensity in cultured fibroblast cells
Bertin, Larissa Dragonetti; Pires-Oliveira, Deise Aparecida de A.; Oliveira, Priscila Daniela; Serpeloni, Juliana Almeida; Szezerbaty, Stheace Kelly F.; Santos, João Paulo Manfre; Oliveira, Rodrigo Franco vol.13 Study of the autonomic function in pregnancy
Araújo, Wagner Santos; Petto, Jefferson; Santos, Alan Carlos Nery dos; Oliveira, Francisco Thiago Oliveira de; Mata, Cauê Santos da; Mantese, João Carlos; Cury, Maria Cristina; Sigulem, Dirce Maria vol.13 The trunk extensor flexor relationship in men and women by isokinetic dynamometry
Simbala, Marcia; Czaikoski, Camila Ksaveria; Eduardo, Fernanda Maria Cercal; Moser, Auristela Duarte de Lima; Bernardelli, Rafaella Stradiotto vol.13 Level of physical activity in college students
Luna Filho, Elias Benício de; Silva, Fábio Thiago Maciel da; Santos, Amilton da Cruz; Nascimento, Leone Severino do; Rabay, Aline Nóbrega; Dantas, Filipe Fernandes Oliveira; Lima, Anna Myrna Jaguaribe de vol.13 Use of noninvasive ventilation for acute respiratory failure in intensive care unit.
Melo, Flávio Emanoel Souza de; Nogueira, Ivan Daniel Bezerra; Felismino, Amanda Soares; Vicente, Ridyuane Narah Imperiano dos Santos; Silva, Ivanízia Soares da; Nogueira, Patrícia Angélica de Miranda Silva vol.13 The prevalence of temporomandibular dysfunction in patients with spine pain
Ribeiro, Diogo Suriani; Silva, Brayner Gomes e; Oliveira, Nayara da Silva; Almeida, Amanda Oliveira; Santos, Maikon Gleibyson Rodrigues dos; Silva, Luiz Guilherme Cardoso da; Lemos, Thiago Vilela vol.13 Evaluation factors for determining the quality of life of physically independent elderly
Costa, Viviane de Souza Pinho; Molari, Mário; Santos, João Paulo Manfré dos; Freitas, Eliane Regina Sernache de; Silva Jr, Rubens Alexandre da; Fernandes, Karen Barros Parron
Review vol.13, 2-28 Effects of aerobic exercise training in animal models of hypertension.
Palma, Renata Kelly da; Malfitano, Christiane; Shimojo, Guilherme Lemos; Sanches, Iris Callado; Angelis, Kátia De vol.13 Incidence of injuries with the practice of active video games.
Raphael José Perrier-Melo, Jorge Luiz de Brito-Gomes, Matheus Santos de Sousa Fernandes, Sandro Vinicius Vidal de Negreiros Pereira, Manoel da Cunha Costa vol.13 Malocclusion influence on balance and posture: a systematic review.
Stancker, Tatiane Garcia; Silva, Andréia Cristina de Oliveira; Pasin Neto, Hugo; Rodrigues, Cristiane Delgado Alves vol.13 Effects of Kinesio Taping ® on range of motion and shoulder pain relief in mastectomy patients.
Rêgo, Ludmila Martins de F.; Revoredo, Myrza Maria Paiva; Basilio, Francine Batista; Silva, Rodrigo Marcel Valentim da; Lins, Caio Alano de Almeida vol.13 Use of physiotherapy resources for patients with fibromyalgia
Nóbrega, Antonio José Sarmento da; Barros, Maria de Fátima Alcântara; Carvalho, Antonio Geraldo Cidrão de; Araújo, Maria das Graças Rodrigues; Lucena, Neide Maria Gomes de
Short Communication vol.13 The comparison of postural balance in elderly active, sedentary and with vestibulopathy
Oliveira, Marcio Rogério de; Matos, Luana da Silva; Simon, Paula Thamirys Chaves; Silva Jr, Rubens Alexandre da; Costa, Viviane de Souza Pinho
Technical Note
Man. Ther., Posturology Rehabil. J.