Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
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Systematic proposal for UX centered mobile apps for tracking performance in sports through an application in recreational surfing

Raoni Pontes Caselli, , Marcelo Gitirana Gomes Ferreira

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The purpose of this article is to propose a systematic for mobile apps used to track performance during the practice of sports, applying it to recreational surfing, through the user-centered design process for developers and companies to develop products that achieve their goal providing a positive user experience. This research was based on a systematic review of literature on UX Design, User-Centered Design and in tools with the greatest potential to be used to measure performance during the sports practice, such as GPS, accelerometer and gyroscope to measure the physiological variables involved. The results show the use of the systematic in a mobile app for recreational surfing, detailing the design process applied in a system composed of the app and a device used to capture data from the sports practice. The systematic was positively evaluated to guide the development of mobile apps for surfing and other sports that share the outlined physiological variables.


user experience, user-centered design, performance in sports, mobile apps, recreational surfing.


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