Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development

About the Journal

Aims and Scope


PRODUCT is an international and open access publication platform dedicated to the dissemination of original, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary research on innovation. 



The broad scope of the innovation concept is what sets it apart. The journal accepts research with different levels of analysis to promote the relationship between theories. It publishes research in the macro-level sphere, such as innovation environment, national and regional policies, ecosystems, networks and organizations; further, it considers research in the micro-level, involving various aspects of users and consumers, agents (teams, designers, and engineers), intellectual property, technology, and products. It particularly focuses on issues that bridge the gap between theories generated at different levels of study, thus creating a space for interaction between macro and micro-level researchers in innovation.

The journal encourages contributions from various areas of knowledge that exist in the field of innovation, such as the following: Technology Management; Project Management; Entrepreneurship, Creativity; Engineering Design; Design; Systems Engineering; Knowledge management; Ergonomics; Systems Engineering. Manuscripts from all these areas of knowledge are welcome. In addition, other fields on Technology, Sciences, Engineering, Business, Administration, and Economics will be well received if connected with innovation. 


Article types

PRODUCT publishes original research articles, review articles and editorials.

Authors can submit an article that is based on a conference paper, so long as it has been substantially revised, expanded and rewritten so that it is significantly different from the conference paper or presentation on which it is based. The article must be sufficiently different to make it a new, original work. As a guideline, the rewritten article can have a similarity index with the original conference paper of no more than 50%.


Origin and development

PRODUCT is a publication that began in 2002 and has been maintained ever since by the Institute for Innovation Management and Product Development (IGDP in Portuguese), which brings together researchers and professionals from different fields of research, regarding management and development topics. 

The term “Product”, as presented in the original title, summarizes now all results of innovation processes and claims for research about all forms of business models, goods, services, or a combination of products and services (e.g. Product-Service Systems). The term “Management” summarizes all management aspects involving macro-levels (National and Regional Politics, Ecosystems, Network, and Organizations) and micro-levels (Users, Teams, Designers, Engineers, and Human factors). The term “Development” summarizes the technical system aspects, including advances in theories and best practices about hardware and software development, mechanical systems, materials engineering, software engineering and other areas. Combining these elements, the journal exists to promote the exchange of ideas originated in broad areas of knowledge in innovation. 


Submission and benefit to authors

As an open access publication, all published articles are accessible in digital form, thus increasing the research impact. 


Research Areas

  • Transdisciplinary innovation 
  • Product management
  • Product design
  • Engineering Design
  • Technology Management 
  • Design 
  • Ergonomics
  • Creativity
  • Systems Engineering
  • Project Management
  • Knowledge management
  • Entrepreneurship



PRODUCT was launched in 2001 (printed-only) by Professor Fernando Antônio Forcellini (UFSC) as chief editor, and Professors Nelson Back (UFSC), Henrique Rozenfeld (USP) and Lin Chih Cheng (UFMG) as associate editors, with the proposal to be a relevant  scientific communication supporting the multidisciplinary research of Product Development Management, uniting productive sectors and academia. The journal was a pioneer on the Internet with totally open content and in English, at a time when scientific journals were closed and open platforms such as DOAJ (created in 2003) were still starting. IGDP’s belief in free knowledge and for all is in the DNA of PRODUCT and will be maintained and expanded, for encouraging the continuous dissemination of quality research and review articles. In 2020, PRODUCT renewed its purpose, with the adoption of an international editorial board, as well as the APA referencing system and other significant improvements for article processing.



All articles published in this journal are made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

Permission is therefore not required for academic or commercial reuse, provided that full attribution is included in the new work. 



PRODUCT is proudly sponsored by the following organizations:


Instituto de Inovação e Gestão de Desenvolvimento de Produto (IGDP)


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