Revista Ação Ergonômica
Revista Ação Ergonômica

About the Journal

Ação Ergonômica journal is an interdisciplinary periodical of the Brazilian Association of Ergonomics (ABERGO). It had its first edition in 2000 and has always been open access and peer-reviewed, aiming to provide researchers and professionals working in various areas of Ergonomics and Human Factors with conceptual, methodological, and instrumental foundations to understand and transform human action in interaction with work and in the development of processes, products, and services.

It is a Brazilian electronic journal directed at the scientific community (professors, researchers, students) and professionals (technicians, technologists, graduates) working in the field of Ergonomics and Human Factors. The journal's mission is to disseminate and promote knowledge, expanding and fostering debate on topics of interest to the scientific community and Brazilian society.

Research based on actions and projects aimed at improving, in an integrated and non-dissociated manner, the safety, comfort, well-being, efficiency, and effectiveness of human interactions through the study of interactions between individuals and technical, organizational, and environmental systems is accepted.

Since 2022, the journal publishes papers on a continuous flow basis, in two regular annual editions, as well as special and thematic editions.

Papers must be original and therefore cannot have been published or submitted elsewhere other than special editions of ABERGO. The article must effectively represent its contribution to the field, addressing a relevant topic. The theoretical foundation must be current and reflect the state of the art in the field. The scientific method must be explicit, and the analyses and conclusions must be clear and aligned with the proposed objective. Papers involving pure literature review should address current themes, and the approach must be deep and analytical.

The journal "Ação Ergonômica" publishes papers in Portuguese, English, or Spanish.

History of Editors-In-Chief and Executives


Editor-in-chief (President of Abergo): Mário César Vidal


Editor-in-chief (President of Abergo): Marcelo Márcio Soares

Executive Editor: Mário César Vidal


Editor-in-chief (President of Abergo): José Orlando Gomes

Executive Editor: Mário César Vidal


Editor-in-chief (President of Abergo): José Orlando Gomes

Executive Editor: Paulo Victor Rodrigues de Carvalho


Editor-in-chief (President of Abergo): Paulo Antônio Barros

Executive Editors: João Alberto Camarotto e Roberto Funes Abrahão


Editor-in-chief (President of Abergo): Lucy Mara Baú

Executive Editor: Eduardo Ferro


Editor-in-chief: Raoni Rocha

Executive Editors: Michele Barth e Rodrigo Arcuri

Ação Ergonômica Regiment

Art.1 - The Revista Ação Ergonômica (R. Ação Ergon.), is a periodical administered by ABERGO - Brazilian Ergonomics Association, in accordance with these regulations.


Art. 2 - The Revista Ação Ergonômica is a scientific and technological journal that aims to provide researchers and professionals working in the various areas of Ergonomics and Human Factors with the conceptual, methodological and instrumental bases that enable the understanding and transformation of human action in interaction in multimodalities of process and product development. The texts published by the magazine must support research, actions and projects that aim to improve the safety, comfort, well-being, efficiency and effectiveness of work situations in an integrated and non-separated manner, through the study of people's interactions with technical systems , organizational and environmental.


Art. 3 - The Revista Ação Ergonômica is a periodical with a continuous flow, with a multidisciplinary characteristic, open access and peer-reviewed, designed to disseminate scientific and technical works in the area of Ergonomics and Human Factors.


Art. 4 - The Revista Ação Ergonômica offers open, free and immediate access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater democratization of knowledge.

Art. 5 - As a privacy policy, Revista Ação Ergonômica undertakes to use the names and addresses provided by users exclusively for the services provided by this publication, not being made available for other purposes or to third parties.

Art. 6 - The publication of manuscripts that bring results of work involving human beings is subject to compliance with ethical principles and compliance with legislation relevant to this type of research, with information required in the manuscripts regarding approval by the Research Ethics Committees.


Art. 7 - The Revista Ação Ergonômica is managed by an editorial board of a deliberative, executive and scientific nature, whose purpose is to define and comply with editorial policy, guaranteeing standards of excellence in technical, scientific, editorial and operational quality.

Art. 8 - The editorial board is made up of professionals with recognized technical and scientific competence in the various areas of knowledge related to Ergonomics and Human Factors.

Art. 9 - The editorial body is made up of a Chief Editor, the Executive Editor and Associate Editors, in accordance with the duties defined in these regulations.

Art. 10 - The role of Chief Editor will be exercised by the president of ABERGO, in the exercise of his mandate, or by whoever he/she appoints.

Art. 11 - The Chief Editor is responsible for:

  • Ensure the scientific quality and improvement of the journal;
  • Evaluate and propose improvements to editorial policy, after consulting the editorial board;
  • Chair the Editorial Board;
  • Supervise the activities of the Executive Editor;
  • Indicate and nominate, after consultation with the Editorial Board and the ABERGO Board of Directors, the components of the Scientific Editorial Board.

Art. 12 - The Executive Editorial Board of Ação Ergonômica Magazine is made up of up to 3 (two) accredited associates up to date with ABERGO obligations, appointed by the Chief Editor for a 3-year term, renewal permitted.

Art. 13 - The Executive Editor is responsible for:

  • Carry out an initial analysis of the manuscripts received regarding the scope, presentation standards and formatting rules and, in the case of non-compliance, return the manuscript to the authors for the necessary adjustments;
  • Distribute each manuscript considered in accordance with the journal's policy, themes and subjects, to an Associate Editor;
  • Formulate and review the magazine's editorial policy after consulting the Editorial Board;
  • Be responsible for managing the secretariat and maintaining the electronic system for managing manuscripts and publishing editions online;
  • Standardize how manuscripts are evaluated;
  • Participate in the magazine's continuous improvement process, whether in relation to flow, identity (templates, automatic messages, website layout, etc.) or the search for scientific bases for indexing the magazine.

Art. 14 - The journal's Scientific Editorial Board is made up of, in addition to the Chief Editor and Executive Editors, Associate Editors, professionals of recognized technical and/or academic competence, appointed by the Chief Editor.

Art. 15 - Responsibility for Associate Editors

  • Carry out an analysis of the manuscripts received by the Executive Editors regarding the perceived quality and relevance of the subject with the journal's policy and areas of knowledge, being able, in cases that they deem to be in disagreement, to reject the manuscript and return it to the authors with due justification;
  • Distribute each manuscript considered in accordance with the journal's policy, themes and subjects, to 2 (two) Reviewers for double-blind evaluation, considering the general rules:
    • The manuscript will be considered forwarded for publication if indicated as favorable, without the need for corrections, by the 2 (two) evaluators;
    • In case of divergence of evaluation (favorable/unfavorable) the Associate Editor will forward the manuscript for evaluation by a third Reviewer, to break the tie;
    • Manuscript with a favorable opinion, but with indication of corrections/adaptations, will be returned to the authors for subsequent evaluation by the same evaluators.
  • Monitor the review process by Reviewers, avoiding long periods of inactivity on the manuscript.

Art. 16 - The magazine's Editorial Board is made up of the Chief Editor, the Executive Editor, up to 5 Associate Editors appointed by the Executive Editor, after consulting the Chief Editor, and the ABERGO Board of Directors.

  • The Editorial Board will meet ordinarily once a year, or when convened by the Editor-in-Chief.
  • The meeting may be in person or remotely.

Art. 17 - The Editorial Board is responsible for:

  • Supervise the activities of the Scientific Editorial Department, proposing additions and replacements of members;
  • Monitor the quality of published manuscripts with a view to proposing improvements that aim to meet the demands for the evolution of knowledge in the different areas of ergonomics.
  • Ensure compliance with this regulation, proposing improvements to the ABERGO board of directors;
  • Propose and invite those responsible for thematic editions of the magazine.

Art. 18 - The Review Board of the Ação Ergonômica Magazine is made up of ergonomics and human factors professionals with recognized experience and competence in different areas of knowledge, from Brazil or abroad. There is no limit to the number of reviewers. Reviewers have the role of evaluators, chosen and invited by the Executive Editor.

Art. 19 - Responsibility for Reviewers.

  • Evaluate, within a maximum period of 30 (thirty) days, the manuscripts sent by the Associate Editors, in accordance with the journal's guidelines.
  • Upon receiving the manuscript from the Associate Editors, the reviewer is responsible for carrying out a preliminary analysis in order to resolve doubts regarding the relevance of the subject
  • In the event of disagreement in the evaluation of the manuscript between the two evaluators of the editorial board, the Associate Editor is responsible for appointing a third reviewer, used as a tiebreaker in the evaluation.
  • Propose acceptance, rejection or corrections to the manuscripts to the Associate Editors.


Art. 20 - The types of contribution considered for publication by Revista Ação Ergonômica are:

  • Editorial: Space reserved for the magazine's Editors or guest Editors.
  • Research Articles: scientific and original articles. This category covers works that report any type of research carried out by the author(s). Research may involve building or testing a model, action research, case study, experimentation, empirical, scientific or clinical research.
  • Review articles: article with the main objective of identifying, organizing, analyzing and/or criticizing the literature on a specific topic. It should cover the main contributors to the development of a topic and explore their different views and advance the state of the art. Work using bibliometric analysis techniques is accepted as long as it brings some additional contribution to the field studied. Preferably the construction of an analytical framework, model or method that can be explored by other authors.
  • Essay: text with greater freedom on the part of the author to reflect on a certain position, aiming to deepen the discussion or present a new contribution regarding the topic covered.
  • Experience report: report of an original intervention, explaining the characterization of the problem, the description of the case and its results in a synthetic and objective way.
  • Review: Consists of the description of a work or event in which notable opinions are expressed. It is not a summary (which is faithful to a text), the review reports on the subject in order to add criticism, opinion or something new.
  • Interview: interview with researchers or experts who contribute to topics of interest related to the scope of the journal.
  • Answer: response to a manuscript already published in the journal.

Art. 21 - Original contributions will be accepted in Portuguese, Spanish or English. Grammatical correction is the responsibility of the author(s).

Art. 22 - Submission requirements are:

  • The contribution must be original and unpublished, and not being evaluated for publication by another journal.
  • The submission file must comply with the journal's rules and model.

Art. 23 - The authors of manuscripts submitted to Revista Ação Ergonômica are obliged to verify the conformity of the submission in relation to all items contained in the Publication Guidelines and Guidelines for formatting the manuscript. Submissions that do not comply with the standards will be returned to the authors.

Art. 24 - In the event that the magazine's administration does not obtain resources to maintain the publishing process, in particular registration with the DOI or website maintenance, a publication fee may be charged. If this fee is necessary, it will be informed to the authors at the time of submission and the charge will only be made for publication after the manuscript has been accepted.

R. Ação Ergon.

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