Revista Intercontinental de Gestão Desportiva - RIGD (Intercontinental Journal of Sport Management) ISSN 2237-3373

Revista Intercontinental de Gestão Desportiva - RIGD (Intercontinental Journal of Sport Management) ISSN 2237-3373


Smart cities as promoters of quality of life, physical activity, and health: Analysis of the city hosting COP 30 - Belém

Carla Isabel Paula da Rocha de Araújo, Gabriel Amorim Machado, Lucila Silva da Silva, Aline da Silva Oliveira

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This study analyzes urban habitability and the potential of Smart Cities in Belém, considering social, environmental, and technological factors. The justification for this research lies in the challenges growing cities face, which require sustainable solutions to improve citizens' quality of life. In this context, Smart Cities emerge as alternatives that can integrate technological innovations to address urban needs. The relevance of this study is to understand how factors such as green infrastructure, social capital, and technology influence urban habitability and citizens' well-being in Belém. The methodology involves developing a questionnaire based on theoretical concepts, which will be administered in the city's neighborhoods. These data will be analyzed to assess residents' perceptions of the Smart City's status and quality of life. The main expected results include identifying the factors contributing to urban habitability in Belém and evaluating the feasibility of the city becoming a Smart City. The results may also highlight the importance of green infrastructure and social capital in enhancing citizens' well-being. In conclusion, this study aims to contribute to understanding the relationships between urban habitability, green infrastructure, and technology, offering valuable insights for sustainable urban planning in Belém and other growing cities. Additionally, it may guide local authorities in creating policies that promote citizens' quality of life by integrating innovative and technological strategies.


Local development, Public policies, Innovation.


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