Revista Intercontinental de Gestão Desportiva - RIGD (Intercontinental Journal of Sport Management) ISSN 2237-3373

Revista Intercontinental de Gestão Desportiva - RIGD (Intercontinental Journal of Sport Management) ISSN 2237-3373


Quality of service in gyms - fitness centers: literature review

Jorge Mario Rondón Herrán, Victor Alfonso Ortiz Villavicencio

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The aim of this article was to compile updated and systematized scientific literature on the quality of service in gyms - fitness centers. For this purpose, a thorough Boolean search was carried out, using keywords such as service quality, gyms - fitness centers, satisfaction, perceived value in various databases: EbscoHost, Scopus, Redalyc, Dialnet, DOAJ, Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine, ProQuest, Sport Discus and Google Scholar. Subsequently, a total of 13266 articles were found, of which 4846 were eliminated and the remaining articles were filtered according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, obtaining 50 articles plus 10 official reports from national and international sports institutions. Ten articles were then selected to answer the questions and objectives of this study, finally using a total of 60 documents. Consequently, the information analyzed made it possible to identify which aspects are connected to a higher perceived value by members and, therefore, to a better quality of service: equipment and environments in good condition, trained instructors, economic offers, safety, diverse training programs and accessible schedules. Therefore, it is recommended that gyms - fitness centers create a positive social environment between their facilities and their members, offering quality services based on the characteristics and requirements of the members, thus obtaining satisfied, loyal, committed and committed users with a high perceived value, generating in return, re-registration of members, new customers and a higher economic income.


Service quality, Gym - fitness center, Sports setting, Perceived value, Satisfaction


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