Revista Intercontinental de Gestão Desportiva - RIGD (Intercontinental Journal of Sport Management) ISSN 2237-3373

Revista Intercontinental de Gestão Desportiva - RIGD (Intercontinental Journal of Sport Management) ISSN 2237-3373

Original Article

Sports Management Education: A Perspective on the Public Sector

André Sesinando, Mário Teixeira

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The discussion on the role of the sport managers has gained a growing prominence within the scope of
scientific research in sport, and it is crucial that he/she possesses the knowledge and essential skills to act
efficiently and effectively in increasingly complex and differentiated contexts. This research aimed to
identify the sociodemographic profile of the main actors involved in municipal sports management while
exploring their perception of the importance of training in sports management. We followed a simple
descriptive quantitative approach, focusing on the 308 municipalities of Mainland Portugal, the Autonomous
Region of Madeira, and the Autonomous Region of the Azores. Data were collected through a questionnaire,
applied between November 2020 and February 2021, and 443 responses were achieved. The results show a
superiority of males in both groups and in both cases they are aged between 41 and 49 years. The average
level of qualifications is a bachelor’s degree, however, the number of professionals with academic training
in sports management is extremely low. Despite this scenario, the professionals working in municipal sports
management considered that it is very important to have training in sports management in order to improve
their skills. Theoretical contributions of the research: (i) increases scientific knowledge in the field of


Sports management; Portuguese municipalities; sports technicians; competencies; education and training.


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