Revista Intercontinental de Gestão Desportiva - RIGD (Intercontinental Journal of Sport Management) ISSN 2237-3373

Revista Intercontinental de Gestão Desportiva - RIGD (Intercontinental Journal of Sport Management) ISSN 2237-3373


The Role of stadium atmosphere and ticket prices on Soccer fans' behavioral intentions: A Systematic Review 

Jorge Eduardo Maciel Gonçalves da Silva, Mykaelly Beatriz da Costa Silva, Yves de Holanda Batista de Miranda, Marcos Antonio Barros Filho, Carlos Augusto Mulatinho de Queiroz Pedroso

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Introduction: The process of going to the soccer stadiums, is pointed as a leisure activity of society, for such, this phenomenon is responsible for providing profits to clubs since ticket sales is one of the main sources of revenue in soccer. Therefore, when enjoying the spectacle, the fan is likely to receive numerous stimuli due to the atmosphere found in soccer stadiums. Therefore, it is the clubs' mission to aim at pleasing their consumers, aiming at the acquisition of their products and services. Therefore, we find in the sports marketing literature the behavioral intentions, which provide information about the supporters' future intentions towards their club. However, there are still no indications that map the role of stadium atmosphere and ticket price on behavioral intentions, in the soccer field. Objective: To review the role of stadium atmosphere and ticket price on the behavioral intention of Soccer spectators. Methodology: This is a systematic review, following PRISMA protocol suggestions, using Scopus, Web of Science, and EBSCO host databases. We used a search model with descriptors for groups related to ticket prices and stadium atmosphere, plus a group related to behavioral intentions and soccer. Original studies published in English or Portuguese up to September 30, 2020, were considered; the year of publication was not restricted. Moreover, the studies that were unrelated to the theme and duplicated were removed. A total of 732 studies, with 02 being eligible for this review. Results: As investigated, the atmosphere of the stadiums is able to impact on behavioral intentions, being the positive experience corresponding to a higher content of return to the stadiums, however, the fan does not get their emotional needs met while the atmosphere prior, can direct the same to a negative significance in relation to behavioral intention. As for the ticket price, it had a positive significance when compared to behavioral intentions. Discussion: Focusing on this significance, the positive experiences and the price paid for tickets in an event can play an intentional repurchase behavior. It is worth noting the context in which the analysis is employed since the local culture can influence consumer perception regarding the desired experiences at the spectacle. Conclusion: The stadiums' atmosphere and the ticket prices structure themselves as a relevant factor in the behavioral intentions of soccer fans. 


Fans; Soccer; Sports Marketing; Consumer Behavior. 


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