Revista Intercontinental de Gestão Desportiva - RIGD (Intercontinental Journal of Sport Management) ISSN 2237-3373

Revista Intercontinental de Gestão Desportiva - RIGD (Intercontinental Journal of Sport Management) ISSN 2237-3373

Original Article

Dynamics and Value of School Sport in the context of La Salle Manaus School Management

Lúcia Paiva, Maria José Carvalho, Paula Batista

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Knowledge about Management is increasingly important in society, which is composed of organizations that are increasingly complex and constantly changing. The management style of a school is decisive for the development and use of all its potential as an organization, and the Directory Management is responsible for managing the interests and motivations of the whole community, towards the defined objectives, respecting the educational policies superiorly defined. The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the dynamics and value of School Sport as an extracurricular component in the context of school management. Additionally, the following objectives were defined: (i) identify the school sports representativeness in the definition of school policy; (ii) analyze the school sports contribution to the dynamics of the school and Educational School Project; (iii) characterize the management activities related to the school sports sector; (iv) capture the school community opinion regarding the sports management carried out by the school's management; (v) identify factors that contribute to and hinder the school sports management development. This research is a case study focused on the dynamics of School Sport carried out at the La Salle School in Manaus. Methodologically, we used qualitative and quantitative analysis, with exploratory and descriptive objectives. The data collected came from the documents available at the school and on its website and questionnaires applied to different subjects of the educational community (school director, school coordinators, School Sports Coordinator, School Sports teachers, and students), considered strategically important for the development of activities. Basic descriptive statistics and thematic analysis were used for data analysis. Data showed that the management procedures are decisive in the School Sports activities promotion and School Sport played a very important role in the school, whose organization and internal culture is oriented towards excellence.


Sport Management; School Management; School Sport; Educational Institution.


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