PhD Scientific Review


Guidelines and Policies

1. Rules for Submission

2. Policies

Editorial Policy

The PhD Scientific Review journal aims to publish original articles, review articles, letters to the editor-in-chief at the invitation of the publisher, case studies that significantly contribute to knowledge innovation. Our journal's publishing preferences are for original articles and letters to the editor that are disseminating new knowledge and that are not repeated information. The decision to publish the articles depends on the initial approval of the Editor-in-Chief of Section to identify whether the article is part of the journal's scope, and is subsequently submitted for peer review. We also inform that the Journal only publishes the content, not being responsible for it, much less seeks to acquire the copyright of the work, with the author being fully responsible for the publication and distribution of articles published here by authors and co-authors.

Session Policy

Multidisciplinary: submission of articles is continuous, periodicity of the journal is monthly, and the articles are evaluated by the editor-in-chief, and later by peers of the ad hoc evaluators of the Journal.

Open Access Policy

Our journal offers immediate free access to its content with the aim of disseminating scientific knowledge in a broad and democratic way.

3. Code of Ethics

In accordance with the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics - COPE and CNPq, which aim to encourage the identification of plagiarism, bad practices, fraud, possible ethics violations and the opening of lawsuits, we recommend that:

a) Authors should visit the COPE website and the CNPq Research Integrity Commission Report, which contains information for authors and editors on research ethics;

b) Before submission, we recommend that authors follow the following criteria:

- articles that contain data acquisition or analysis and interpretation of data from other publications must explicitly reference them;

- For articles developed from experiments involving lives, the approval of the study by the Institutional Ethics Committee must be attached in supplementary files.

- when writing articles that contain a critical review of the intellectual content of other authors, they must be duly cited;

- all authors must meet the criteria of unpublished authorship of the article and none of the researchers involved in the research can be omitted from the list of authors, with the limit of 8 authors per article, if there are more authors involved in the development of the article this must be justified in the time of submission;

- the final approval of the article will be made by the editors and editorial board.

c) The works received undergo a rigorous evaluation in relation to plagiarism, from which the editors will refuse the full content of the article and it will be eliminated for publication and subsequent archiving.

4. Archiving

In case of total rejection of the submitted article, the editor-in-chief informs the main author and deletes the material from our databases.

5. Article Submission 

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