PhD Scientific Review


Inédito Ciências da Saúde


Abdul Habib Mahomed Dadá; Mahomed Sidique Abdul Cadar Dadá; Sheila Norberto Sallé; Celso Belo; Ramires Mlucasse; Daimary Mendoza Rodriguez; Pita Tomas Tivane; Zulaikhah Mahomed Sidique Dadá; Jahit Sacarlal.

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Background: In China, a viral disease emerged which spread to the remainder of the world at an impressive speed, making it a pandemic that led a majority of countries in the world to declare a state of partial or total emergency with resulting repercussions. The aim of this study was to assess the level of knowledge, attitudes, and practices of COVID-19 among students of the health sciences fields in six higher education institutions in Mozambique. Methodsː An online survey was created, similar to the one used in a study in China, Portugal, Mozambique and Brazil. This is an exploratory, descriptive study, using a quantitative. An online questionnaire with closed questions was used as a collection tool, with 35 related to knowledge and perception, 2 to attitude and 7 to practices. Resultsː A total of 786 students participated in the study, of which 67% were female. The average age of the students was 22.7 years.The average level of knowledge of the students surveyed in the 33 questions related to COVID-19 was 70.2%. Conclusionsː The present study thus showed that the knowledge about COVID-19 in future Mozambican health professionals during the outbreak was satisfactory, attitudes have been very favorable, and practices are mostly suitable.


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