PhD Scientific Review


Revisão Direito


Luiz Fernando Knoll Júnior

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The present study aims to bring up considerations about the Monocular Hyperbolic Criminal Guarantee, given that such an understanding has been glimpsed in judicial decisions handed down by our Superior Court, explaining the harmful consequences arising from the dissemination of these ideals. To do so, a parallel must be drawn with the genuine conception of criminal garantism, a theme that was masterfully treated by the Italian jurist Luigi Ferrajoli in his work “Diritto e Ragione”, demonstrating that this concept has been misrepresented in our times, generating legal instability and substantiating criminal impunity. It is inevitable to find the necessary balance for the recognition of the fundamental rights and guarantees enshrined in our Magna Carta and criminal infraconstitutional and criminal procedural diplomas, without there being a bastardization of criminal prosecution. It is important to analyze the motto from the perspective of the Military Corporation, the body responsible for ostensible policing and the preservation of public order, its importance with regard to the Criminal Justice System remaining crystal clear, and it is not reasonable for said activity to be denatured. For the institution of this exacerbated and distorted guarantee. Lastly, the work on the screen brings some measures that can be adopted within the scope of the Military Police of the State of Paraná with the aim of minimizing the damages arising from this blatant guarantee.


Monocular hyperbolic criminal guarantee; Military police; Criminal accountability; Abuse of authority; Criminal guarantee.


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