Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
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Edgar Augusto Lanzer; Quirino Paris.

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O objetivo deste trabalho é contrastar o ponto de vista dos agrônomos com o dos economistas rurais quanto à especificação de modelos de análise para o estudo das relações entre o rendimento dos cereais e a aplicação de fertilizantes. Os pontos de discórdia expostos pela discussão abrangem: (a) rendimento máximo em forma de ponto único vs. rendimento máximo em forma de teto; (b) isoquantas neoclássicas vs. impossibilidade de substituição entre nutrientes; e (c) generalização via incorporação de variáveis locacionais vs. generalização via conceito de produtividade relativa. As diferenças de opinião conduzem a modelos de análise alternativos, e, possivelmente, podem explicar a existência de dificuldades práticas na promoção de pesquisas integradas.


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  2. BARBER, S.A. The changing phylosophy of soil test interpretations in soil testing and plant analysis. Walsh e Beaton (ed.). Soil Science Soe. America, lnc., 1973.

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  4. BAUM, E.L.; HEADY, E.O.; PESEK, J.T.; HILDRETH, C.G. (ed.). Economic and technieal analysis of fertilizer innovations and resource use. The Iowa State College Press. 1957.

  5. BRADY, N.C. The nature and properties of soils, 3th ed. McMillan, 1974.

  6. BRAY, R.H. A nutrient mobility concept of soil-plant relationships. Soil Science. (78): 9- 23, 1954.

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  10. COREY, R.B. & SCHULTE, E.E. Factors affecting the availability of nutrients to plants - in soil testing and plant analysis. Walsh and Beaton (ed.). Soil Sei. Soe. Amer., lnc., 1973.

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  12. EPSTEIN, E. Mineral nutrition of plants: principies and perspectives. John Wiley, 1972

  13. FULLER, W. Grafted polynomials as approximating functions. Aust. Jour. Agric. Econ., (13): 35-46, 1969.

  14. HADLEY, G. Non linear and dynamic programming. Addison-Wesley, 1964.

  15. HEADY, E.O. Methodological problems in fertilizer use. ln: Methodological procedures in the economic analysis of fertilizar use data. Baum, Heady e Blackmore (ed.). The Iowa State College Press, 1956.

  16. HEADY, E.O. & DILLON, J. Agricultura! production functions. The Iowa State College Press, 1961.

  17. HILDRETH, C.G. Discrete models with qualitative restrictions. ln: Methodological procedures in the economic analysis offertilizer use data. Baum, Heady e Blackmore (ed.). The Iowa State College Press, 1956.

  18. JOHNSON, P. R. Alternative functions for analyzing a fertilizer-yield relationship. J. F.E., 35 (4): 519-29, 1953.

  19. LANZER, E.A.; PARIS, O.; GREEN, R. A maximum likelihood estimator for switching regressions with common gaussian noise. Working Paper No. 78-8. Department of Agricultural Economics, University of California (Davis), 1978.

  20. MADDALA, G.S. Econometrics. McGraw-Hill, 1977.

  21. MALAVOLTA, E.; HAAG, H.P.; MELLO, F.A.F.; BRASIL S.0 , M.0.C. La nutricion mineral de algunas cosechas tropicales. lnst. lntern. de la Potasa, 1964.

  22. MASON, D.D. Functional models and experimental designs for characterizing response curves and surfaces. ln: Methodological procedures in the economic analysis of fertilizer use data. Baum, Heady e Blackmore (ed.). The Iowa State College Press. 1956.

  23. MUNSON, L.0. & DOLL, J.P. The economics of fertilizer use in crop pro_duction. Advances in Agronomy. v. XI. Academic Press, 1959.

  24. PERRIN, R.K. The value of information and the value theoretical models in crop response research. AJAE, 58 (1): 54-61, 1976.

  25. REDMAN, J .C. & ALLEN, S.0. lnterrelationships of economic and agronomic concepts. JFE, 36 (3): 453-65, 1954.

  26. ROUSE, R.D. Soil test theory and calibration for cotton, corn, soybeans and coastal bermudagrass. Bulletin 375. Agric. Exp. Sta. Auburn University, Alabama, 1968.

  27. RUSSEL, J. Soil conditions and plant growth, 1oth ed. Longmans, 1973.

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  29. TISDALE, S.L. & NELSON, W.L. Soil fertility and fertilizers. 7th ed. McMillan, 1971.

  30. WALLACE, T.D. Pretest estimation in regression: a survey. AJAE, 59 (3): 431-43, 1977.

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