research paper

Assessing the accessibility degree of the ‘Quito’s Historical Center´: a UNESCO Cultural Heritage Site  

Marta Gabriela Flores López

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Tourism has evolved in time as well as the motivations of trip, but the supply/demand and technology are different now with travelers being more demanding for quality and unique experiences, including travelers with special needs. Tourism sector has as a challenge to adapt its infrastructure to assist and to better host this type of visitor avoiding exclusions and involuntary discrimination. Accessible tourism, or ‘tourism for all’, has drawn attention from planners and managers who are expected to provide distinguishing features of high-quality tourism products to all types of visitors, particularly those with disabilities. This study aims to identity and assess the main aspects related to accessibility in the Special Zone (ZET), Quito’s Historical Center. The designation of Quito as part of the Humanity’s World Heritage has been a step forward in its status as a hot-spot tourism destination.  This research aims to evaluate the historical constructions of the site in order to identify and analyze the main architectonic and infrastructural barriers in terms of accessibility of churches, museums and convents of the Historical Center. As part of the research, recommendations will be provided as possible technical solutions for each identified problem.


Accessibility; adapted tourism infrastructure; architectonic barriers; Historical Center; Quito


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