Revista Brasileira de Ciências Econômicas e Negócios 2764-4472 ISSN-e

Revista Brasileira de Ciências Econômicas e Negócios 2764-4472 ISSN-e

Our Mission

Our mission is to study economic subjects from a scientific, theoretical, and applied perspective.

The Brazilian Journal of Economic and Business Sciences is a generalist repository within the universe of academic publications. It aims to create an independent, pluralistic, and comprehensive space for the publication of theoretical and applied works in all areas of economics. In this sense, it has no commitments to any specific economic schools of thought or specific areas of research, guided solely by academic excellence.

Current Edition

Vol. 1 (2021): SET - DEC

Published: December 28, 2021

Otto Guilherme Gerstenberger Junior


Published by:
Porf. Dr. Guilherme Santoro Gerstenberger


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