Editorial Board
Chief Editor Responsible for the Journal:
Prof. Dr. Otto Guilherme Gerstenberger Junior
Executive Editor:
Prof. Dr. Guilherme Santoro Gerstenberger
Prof. Me. Andre Luiz de Souza Britto
Scientific Editors:
Prof. Dr. Fatima Cristina Santoro Gerstenberger
Prof. Dr. Edinaldo Luz das Neves
Editorial Assistants:
Prof. Dr. Néliton Gomes Azevedo
Prof. Me. Rogerio Bailly
Prof. Dr. Márcio Alves Suzano
Publication Frequency:
Portuguese (Brazil) and Spanish end
Editorial Production:
EDITORIAL PRODUCTION AND LAYOUT Prof. Dr. Guilherme Santoro Gerstenberger
Independent Publication
Av. Flamboyant da Península n. 1070 / 801
Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Zip Code: 22776-070
Tel. (21) 982000142 (WhatsApp)
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Otto Guilherme Gerstenberger Junior
Deputy Editor: Prof. Me. Andre Luiz de Souza Britto
Email: ottoguilherme@yahoo.com.br
Research Group:
Entrepreneurship, Law, Economics, and Innovation Management of Small Real Estate Companies
CNPQ: http://dgp.cnpq.br/buscaoperacional/detalhegrupo.jsp?grupo=5866602T0ALV2C
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