Revista Brasileira de Avaliação
Revista Brasileira de Avaliação
Experience report

Outcome harvesting for climate justice evaluation in the Brazilian Amazon

Marcelo Amado Sette Mosaner

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The article shares a practitioner’s experience of Outcome Harvesting (OH)methodology for a movementbuilding and advocacy program evaluation in the context of climate justice narratives in the Brazilian Amazon. The article outlines the rationale for choosing OH, its application process in the specific program context, and its outcomes in terms of empowering local narratives on climate change impacts. The article discusses the advantages, limitations, and biases of Outcome Harvesting and the overarching realm of story-based methodologies and programmatic learning. Overall, this article contributes to the discussion on democratizing MEL processes within CSOs in Brazil and the Global South, aiming to enhance learning cycles, facilitate access to climate finance, and achieve intended outcomes systematically.


Outcome harvesting. Story-based evaluation. Climate justice.


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