Revista Brasileira de Avaliação
Revista Brasileira de Avaliação
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Climate adaptation monitoring frameworks: Challenges, best practices, needs

Felipe Jukemura

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Climate change poses significant challenges globally, with certain regions being disproportionately affected. This article highlights the urgent need for effective monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems to address climate change adaptation, using the African context a case study. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the unique challenges of different realities and identifies best practices and areas for improvement. The paper consists of three main sections: an introduction to climate vulnerability in Africa and current policies, a literature review on M&E in climate change adaptation, and a comparative analysis of national frameworks in South Africa and Mozambique. The analysis reveals strengths, weaknesses, and different approaches to M&E, emphasizing accountability, learning, inter-sectoral coordination, and evidence-based policymaking and recommendations for enhancing M&E systems. Calling for monitoring and evaluation systems for climate adaptation that are flexible and context-specific to address challenges effectively.


Monitoring and evaluation. Climate adaptation. Africa.


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