Revista Brasileira de Avaliação
Revista Brasileira de Avaliação
Systematic review and meta-analysis

Child development assessment in Latin American countries: A systematic review

Bruna Larissa Seibel, Rogério Lerner, Rafaela Caroline Bacelar, Maria Beatriz Martins Linhares

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The present study aimed to systematically review empirical studies on early childhood development assessments in Latin American countries (LACs). The focus was to identify the instruments used to evaluate the development of 0-to-6-year-old children, summarize the main findings, and examine their methodological quality. A systematic search identified 28 articles conducted predominantly in Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Chile, and Argentina. Most studies were cross-sectional and had case-control designs. Child and maternal health conditions were predominantly examined in association with child development. We identified 16 different instruments used for evaluation and screening tests predominated. Denver II and Bayley scales were the most used tools. Cultural validation and standardization of the instruments should be achieved through further investment in LACs, to identify developmental risks or delays for better informed decision-making on prevention and treatment strategies for protecting child development.


Development. Early childhood. Assessment. Latin America. Systematic review


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