Revista Brasileira de Avaliação
Revista Brasileira de Avaliação
Experience report

Evaluating the impact of a Skills Training Program in Brazil

Filipe Matheus Silva Cavalcanti, Lucas Pereira Sarti, Viviane Helena Silva da Rocha

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In recent years, Brazil has seen a surge in the availability of skills and non-cognitive training programs. Despite this, a recent literature review has uncovered significant gaps in our understanding of the impact of these programs on the employability and income generation of young people and socially vulnerable individuals. This report details the progress of a partnership between Generation Brazil, a provider of programming training, and JOI Brazil, a J-PAL initiative focused on producing robust impact evaluations to inform public debate on labor-related issues. While the impact evaluation resulting from this partnership is still in its early stages, this report sheds light on the initial planning process for conducting a rigorous evaluation of training programs in the area of productive inclusion, as well as the challenges and opportunities for learning that arise. This report can be a valuable resource for policymakers interested in pursuing similar initiatives.


Randomized impact evaluation. Productive inclusion. Skills training


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