Revista Brasileira de Avaliação
Revista Brasileira de Avaliação

The role of monitoring, evaluation, and research units in an increasingly turbulent world

Mine Pabari, Ian Goldman

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This paper explores the role of knowledge brokers in facilitating the use of evidence in an increasingly uncertain and crisis-ridden world. It is based on case study research in 5 countries of Africa and the ECOWAS region of West Africa, where successful efforts to use evidence emerged. These case studies were based on an analytical framework developed on evidence use, building on the work of Michie et al., (2011), Buk-Berge et al., (2011), and Langer et al., (2016). This analytical framework draws out the mechanisms which trigger use, and the interventions applied to facilitate use. A key issue that emerged is that those commissioning or undertaking evidence generation, need to understand the context, the wider system and become adept at acting as knowledge brokers, roles often underestimated and under-resourced, and three knowledge broker roles are suggested of facilitators and linkage agents, capacity builders and knowledge managers. What this shows is that at least in South Africa some of these roles are recognised, but that the analytical skills to analyse and use evidence is missing, as well as the softer skills to facilitate dialogue and build relationships, key for policy makers to trust and have the motivation to use evidence.


Evaluation. Evidence use. Monitoring. Evaluation use


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