Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

The role of thermoactive binders in the structuring of composites

Meiyu Shao; Andrii Bieliatynskyi; Viacheslav Trachevskyi; Shilin Yang; Mingyang Ta

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Thermoactive binders are the most widely used form of polymer matrix materials in modern composites. In the production of composites, thermoactive binders are the basis of the matrix structure formation process with different properties. Various thermoactive binders based on epoxy, polyester and other resins compatible with corresponding polymer matrices were examined in the article. The influence of binders on the pre-molding process, various properties of the products, including density, stability and water permeability, as well as the main characteristics of composite materials obtained by various methods, was considered. The most optimal thermoactive binder (epoxy resin) were determined. The influence of thermoactive binders was shown and the advantage of using thermoactive binders in the production of composites was proved on the example of bitumen asphalt.



thermoactive binder, polymer, composite, composite matrix, structure formation


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