Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Release of oregano essential oil from PHBV films in simulated food conditionsa

Renata Cerruti da Costa; Ana Paula Ineichen; Cristiano da Silva Teixeira; Ismael Casagrande Bellettini; Larissa Nardini Carli

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Poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) – PHBV plays an important role in sustainability and food safety. In this work, active packaging with antimicrobial properties was analyzed for the controlled release of active compound in three environments (acidic aqueous foods, fresh foods, and fatty foods). The compositions were produced with the addition of sepiolite nanoparticles (Sep) and oregano essential oil (OEO). The GC-MS analysis detected the presence of 3-methyl-4-isopropyl phenol as the primary constituent of the OEO (71.7%). The characterization of the films by FTIR and SEM confirmed the presence of additives, and the quantification of OEO and thermal stability of the nanocomposites was verified by TGA. Four kinetic models were used to analyze the release profile. Our findings indicate that it is possible to adjust the kinetic release of the OEO by varying the composition of the films, which is a promising alternative for producing an antibacterial biomaterial for application in food packaging.




biodegradable polymer, controlled release, food packaging, polymer nanocomposites, oregano essential oil


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