Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Polystyrene and cornstarch anti-corrosive coatings on steel

Souza, Cinthia de; Teixeira, Ricardo Luiz Perez; Lacerda, José Carlos de; Ferreira, Carla Regina; Teixeira, Cynthia Helena Bouças Soares; Signoretti, Valdir Tesch

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Abstract: This work aims to evaluate the performance of anticorrosive thermoplastic coatings in cold rolled steel sheets. Two types of thermoplastic coatings were studied: polystyrene (PS) and cornstarch. These types of coatings are applied for protection against corrosion during transport and storage of steel plates after cold rolling until delivery to stamping or other processing. The good performance for these coatings is suitably standardized to ABNT NBR 5915-2: 2013 and ASTM A1008 / A1008M-2016. According to corrosion tests carried out in saline chamber, the coatings were satisfactory in different degrees of guarantee of corrosion protection on ASTM 1080 steel, in accordance with standards mentioned.


aging, anti-corrosive coatings, polystyrene, cornstarch films


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