Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
Research Article

Collaborative vision to create an innovation habitat model

Creusa Sayuri Tahara Amaral, Márcia Mazzeo Grande, André Capaldo Amaral, Daniel Capaldo Amaral

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The universities are transforming to include entrepreneurship in researchers’ training, which has motivated the concept of an entrepreneurial university. To be connected with innovation networks is a mandatory characteristic of these institutions. The biotech sector is an example. Excellence in research requires a multitude of competencies more present for those universities immersed in Innovation Habitat. But how initiated an innovation habitat in this area? This research describes an experience where vision was applied to create an innovation habitat and foster academic entrepreneurship by guiding technological entrepreneurship initiatives among undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, and professors. Aside from its contribution to the field of entrepreneurial university theory, the study proposes vision as a useful tool for developing an innovation habitat.


entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial university, innovation habitat


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