Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
Research Article

Open innovation and corporate spin-off: analysis of the Desafio MinerALL Program

Vinícius Bortolussi Roman, Davyston Carvalho Pedersoli, Diego Souza Pinto Silva, Maria Paula Duarte de Oliveira, Rochel Montero Lago

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The mineral sector, despite its relevance to the Brazilian economy, faces a period of great challenges, especially with regard to the development and adoption of new technologies to reduce the environmental and social impacts caused by extractive activities. This study aims to analyze Samarco's open innovation program, called Desafio MinerALL, a technology acceleration program, which involved university students with the objective of bringing to the market technologies for the use of iron mining waste. The challenge came from seventeen technologies previously promoted by Samarco; there were more than four hundred applications from students from different educational institutions in the academic communities of Belo Horizonte, Mariana and Ouro Preto. The eighty selected students underwent various training sessions to analyze the technologies from a technical, economic, commercial and social and environmental impact point of view. In just three months, fifteen detailed studies were generated on the feasibility of implementing the solutions. Of these, six projects turned into potential new businesses (spin-offs), three of which will proceed to the escalation and go-to-market phase, with a view to starting the operation of the pilot plants. For each of the three spin-offs an individual development plan was created, with goals, divided between the scaling and go-to-market activities. The project delivered three startups, two of which are already on the market. Three pilot plants were completed, which in total treated more than 150,000 tons of tailings in one year, with a volume of over four million in sales negotiations. The perspective for the year 2021 is of more than 300,000 ton of tailings treated with these new technologies. In this study, the following parameters are analyzed: program structure, team involved, technology scaling, investment made, results, and lessons learned and main differences and similarities with other corporate spin-off generation practices available in the literature


corporate spin-off, startups, scheduling, open innovation, mining


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