Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
Research Article

Stakeholders’ responsibilities in reverse logistics of product-service systems: towards circular economy in the healthcare industry

Adriana Hofmann Trevisan, Daniel Guzzo, Sânia da Costa Fernandes, Henrique Rozenfeld, Monica Rossi, Janaina Mascarenhas

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Reverse logistic system is essential in Product-Service Systems (PSS), which have been labeled as a means to achieve the circular economy. Multiple stakeholders should be involved in the design and operation of the reverse logistics system, but their responsibilities are not clearly consolidated yet. The identification of stakeholders and their responsibilities is even more important in complex sectors that involve the regulation of products and unique services, such as the healthcare industry. This paper aims to consolidate the reverse logistics services and the stakeholders' responsibilities based on two PSS cases in medical devices companies in the context of circular economy. Based on case studies, two maps of stakeholders' responsibilities are presented to support the operation of reverse logistics networks. The companies should have a systemic perspective of the several stakeholders instead of focusing only on limited relationships based on the customer and the PSS provider. Also, take-back activities should be considered since the middle-of-life of products, and all products should be part of the reverse logistics system to lead to the circularity of materials.


product-service system, circular economy, medical devices, reverse logistics, sustainability


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