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Product: Management and Development
Research Article

Identifying critical factors for agility in innovation ecosystems: an exploratory study in the agriculture sector

Silvia Ronsom, Daniel Capaldo Amaral, José Eustáquio Ribeiro Vieira Filho

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Organizational agility is the ability of organizations to adapt and respond to changes, it has been cited to explain the internal dynamics and competition in innovation ecosystems. Would it be possible to identify differences in agility as a measure in such environments? The present article investigates the subject, beginning with a systematic literature review
that identified critical factors for agility in innovation ecosystems. Next, an exploratory field study was carried out to identify whether such factors could be observed empirically. An innovation ecosystem in the agriculture sector was chosen - the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation - Embrapa. The study allowed identifying agility factors in three sublevels of analysis, the last two being observed at Embrapa: Programs and Portfolios, Organizations and Ecosystems. Finally, future research that focuses on better understanding the phenomenon in innovation ecosystems is recommended.


agility, innovation ecosystems, critical factors, Embrapa, exploratory study.


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