Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
Original Article

Proposal of an alternative concept of the manually adjustable hospital bed for user experience improvement

Diego Santos Duarte, Ricardo Manfredi Naveiro

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Hospital beds that provide a good user experience interface are generally composed of electric-automated devices which substantially increase the final cost. In contrast, the most affordable versions are typically the manually adjustable beds, which do not currently provide soft and practical usage experience. In this sense, this paper aims to propose an alternative concept of the manually adjustable hospital bed that enhances the user experience while keeping its affordability. The product development process was based on a literature combination methodology, including the informational and conceptual phases. The informational stage runs through state-of-the-art reviews, usage experiencing and observation, user interviews and analytical QFD (Quality Functional Deployment) tools, leading to the conceptual stage with functional decomposition and morphological matrix. The final bed concept, proposed via CAD software and depicted into each feature-requirement correlation, comprises an innovative approach that soften the manual actuation. Industrialization of the proposal would assist customers with severe income restrictions.


product development, manual hospital bed, QFD.


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