Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
Original Article

The challenges of implementing agile project management practices in an enterprise of the Brazilian automotive sector

Michael Jordan Bianchi, Carolina Reigado, Ligia Maria Moura Madeira, Rogério Nakamura, Daniel Capaldo Amara

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Currently there are different approaches to project management such as agile and warterfall ones. One way to improve management is by selecting practices that are more favorable to each project and there are diagnostic tools that seek to characterize projects and facilitate this adaptation. The objective of this research is to comprehend the diagnosis process of the project management practices utilized by an enterprise of the Brazilian automotive sector, contrasting with the recommendations found in the literature. The study presents three cases of visual project management practices adaptation, from agile management, in distinct areas of the same company, leader in the auto parts sector. It is described how the professionals of the company identified their needs of visual management and how they proceeded in the implantation. It was identified the absence of a systematic process for the project management practices diagnosis, and the barriers and challenges faced. Good practices are also identified, such as the use of other diagnostic tools and the involvement of the whole team in the definition and elaboration of visual management boards.


project management, agile project management, diagnostic tools, project management practices, hybrid project management.


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