Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
Original Article

Product Strategic Development (PSD): Preliminary Overview

Luis Gustavo Scrassolo Martini, Luís Gonzaga Trabasso

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This paper presents the Product Strategic Development (PSD). This process focuses on the alignment between customers and company, or in a more detailed perspective, between customers’ needs and company strategy as it includes the integration of all the information using the QFD Matrix “0”. Developing the PSD process was initiated with a survey of best practices in the academic realm, specifically, the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and Quality Function Deployment (QFD) methods. From this initial research, a comparative analysis of both methods was performed to broaden the understanding of their similarities, differences and information transference mechanism in each method. Once all this information was gathered, the QFD matrix “0” was structured for the specific particularities of the PSD process. The implementation of this process and its correct use ensures integration between customers´ needs and senior managers’ needs. Consequently, the likelihood of a company developing a product that fulfills most market requirements and company strategic objectives, at the same time, increases substantially. The use of this process might provide companies with a systematic way of incorporating their strategic objectives into new product development initiatives.


strategic objectives, product development, QFD matrix 0
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