Perioperative Anesthesia Reports
Perioperative Anesthesia Reports

The Perioperative Anesthesia Reports  is the official electronic and continuous-flow publication of the São Paulo State Society of Anesthesiology (SAESP - Sociedade de Anestesiologia do Estado de São Paulo, Brazil) that publishes peer-reviewed Case Reports, Case Reports with Literature Reviews, Research Protocols, Systematic Reviews, Pictorial Reviews, Narrative Reviews, Letters to the Editor, Clinical Images, and Editorials. Narrative reviews and editorials are published only by invitation from the Editor-in-chief.

Perioperative Anesthesia Reports do not accept the submission of data results of original investigations related to randomized or observational trials, or other related study design trials. 

The Perioperative Anesthesia Reports publishes original works in all correlated areas of anesthesia, critical care, pain, palliative care, and perioperative medicine, including basic, translational, and clinical research, as well as technology innovation, and education. The Perioperative Anesthesia Reports accepts only original articles which are not under consideration by any other scientific publication and must not have been published before, except abstracts presented in conferences or meetings, academic theses, and preprints described in the cover letter.

Submissions must not contain any plagiarism. The Perioperative Anesthesia Reports uses a cloud-based platform to compare submitted manuscripts to previous publications. Authors must earn and send to the Editorial Office all permissions for any overlapping content and properly identify them in the manuscript.

All articles submitted for publication in Perioperative Anesthesia Reports are analyzed by two or more members of the Editorial Board or external peer reviewers, at the discretion of the Editor-in-chief or the Associate Editors.

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Vinícius Caldeira Quintão MD, MSc, PhD

Continuos flow

Published by:
Sociedade de Anestesiologia do Estado de São Paulo

Periop. Anesth. Rep.

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