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Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences


Volume 2, Issue 2, 2022 June

2(2), 2022 June


Unveiling of cannabidiol in the treatment of rare childhood epilepsies: Dravet and Lennox Gastaut syndromes Mahabba N. Eldernawi, Fadia M. Gafri Antiepileptic drug, cannabidiol, Dravet syndrome, Lennox Gastaut syndrome,

mechanism of action, treatment-resistant epilepsies

Serum uric acid as an adjunct in the assessment of psychiatric disorders: an overview Jagannadha R. Peela, Abdalla M. Jarari, Harshvaradhan Polamarasetty, Vaishnavi Kanisetti, Krishna Srivathsav Tadikonda, Anuradha Argi, Avinash K. Rawal Major depressive disorder, oxidative stress, schizophrenia, uric acid


Short communication

Libyan mothers' awareness of natural products among infants Nuha O. Elmansuri, Lujain A. Mhani, Soha E. Elhaddar, Muftah A. Shushni Anise, chamomile, folic, fennel, honey, infant's herbal, peppermint, use of herbs

Short communication

Original article

Patterns of drug-prescribed and drug-related problems among hospitalized elderly patients Mustafa A. Alssageer, Fathi M. Sherif, Esraa S. Mohammed, Soaad A. Abd Alsalm Drug related problem, elderly, hospitalized patient, pattern drug prescribing

Original article
Postpartum depression and associated risk factors in Libya Nagat M. Saeed, Aisha S. Elrayani, Roba F. Sherif, Fathi M. Sherif Libyan women, maternal, prevalence, postpartum depression, risk factors 

Original article
Vitamin D deficiency and anemia among pharmacy students Naser M. Alaasswad, Amna I. Jebril, Hajir A. Ahmed, Roqaia S. Almahdi, Mustafa A. Alssageer Anemia, hematological profile, Libya, university students, vitamin D deficiency

Original article

Mediterr J Pharm Pharm Sci

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