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Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences


Serum uric acid as an adjunct in the assessment of psychiatric disorders: an overview

Jagannadha R. Peela, Abdalla M. Jarari, Harshvaradhan Polamarasetty, Vaishnavi Kanisetti, Krishna Srivathsav Tadikonda, Anuradha Argi, Avinash K. Rawal

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Oxidative stress is due to altered levels of prooxidants and anti-oxidants in the body. This can lead to tissue damage especially, the central nervous system. Oxidative damage has been implicated in several disorders including some psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and major depressive disorder. Uric acid is an anti-oxidant that prevents tissue damage caused by oxidative stress. In this review, the reduced levels of serum uric acid in schizophrenia and depression are discussed. The effect of treatment in these disorders leading to increased serum uric acid levels is also reviewed.


Major depressive disorder, oxidative stress, schizophrenia, uric acid


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