Jornal Vascular Brasileiro
Volume 1, Issue 2, 2002
1(2), 2002
Original Article
Prevalence of aneurysms and other anomalies of the infrarenal aortic diameter
detected at necrop
Erasmo Simão da Silva, Allyson Dói, Beatriz Yae Hanaoka, Flavio Roberto Takeda, Marcos Hiroshi Ikeda
Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis – epidemiological study in a medical school hospital
Ana Luiza Valiente Engelhorn, Antônio César Franco Garcia, Maria Fernanda Cassou,
Leonardo Birckholz, Carlos Alberto Engelhorn
Review Article
Venous thromboembolism in children and adol
Francisco H. de A. Maffei, Winston B. Yoshida, Sidnei Lastória
Case Report
Endovascular treatment of abdominal aorta aneurysm rupture previously treated with endoprosthesis
Pierre Galvagni Silveira, Gilberto do Nascimento Galego, Cristiano Torres Bortoluzzi,
Ricardo Perez, Humberto Jorge da Silva, Luiz André Simon
J Vasc Bras