Intercontinental Journal on Physical Education
ISSN 2675-0333
Intercontinental Journal on Physical Education<br> ISSN 2675-0333
Brief Review

Esporte e meio ambiente: aliados ou adversários?

Matheus Cerqueira dos Santos & Carlos Alberto Figueiredo da Silva

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This text aims to approach the concept of sustainability-related to sport and the environment, observing in the literary texts that show recommendations for sustainability. In this phase, we sought to reflect on the structures of the places and the sports practice. One conducted a brief literature review using sources articles indexed in the SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) and PubMed (US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health) databases. The inclusion criteria to papers were:  period from 2000 to 2019, and discuss the relationship between the environment and sport. One found that this correlation focused on two central fields: the structure of the places and sports practice. In conclusion, the term sustainability is broadly related to sports practices, both in the infrastructure alternatives of sports venues and in practice.


Esporte Sustentável, Sustentabilidade, Esporte.


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