Citrus Research & Technology
Citrus Research & Technology

Performance of 15 cultivars of sweet oranges affected by citrus variegated chlorosis

Francisco Ferraz Laranjeira & Jorgino Pompeu Junior

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Disease symptoms and fruit yield of fifteen sweet orange cultivars Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck: Pêra IAC, Barão, Lima, Valência, Gardner, Sunstar, Cadenera 17, Cadenera 51, Baianinha, Folha Murcha, Rubi, Westin, Lue Gim Gong, Berna, and Pineapple were evaluated in an experiment. Trees were planted in 1992 in a high inoculum area (northeastern São Paulo State, Brazil). The first symptomatic plants (Barão) were detected eight months after planting. No correlation was observed between foliar symptoms variables (area under disease progress curve and rates) and fruit damage variables (percentage of small fruits – PSF, and percentage of estimated damage – PED). Considering results of PSF and PED, the varieties can be distinguished in three groups: highly susceptible, with PED ranging from 72 to 98% (Barão, Pêra, Lima, Rubi, Cadenera 17 and 51, Berna, and Valencia); susceptibles, with PED ranging from 60 to 70% (Gardner, Pineapple, Sunstar, Folha Murcha, and Baianinha); and mildly susceptible (Lue Gim Gong – 43% PED and Westin – 22% PED).


Francisco Ferraz Laranjeira & Jorgino Pompeu Junior
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