Citrus Research & Technology
Citrus Research & Technology

Survey of the occurrence of citrus root weevil in São Paulo and Minas Gerais States, Brazil

Jerson Carús Guedes, José Roberto Postali Parra & Pedro Takao Yamamoto

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In order to determine the occurrence of citrus root weevil in citrus area of São Paulo and Minas Gerais States, it was used a questionnaire applied randomly to 84 growers/managers and 36 technicians/consultants. After analyzing the questionnaires, which also contained cultural dates, was observed that the occurrence of citrus root weevil (CRW) occurs in all cultivated citrus areas of São Paulo and Minas Gerais States; however randomly distributed in different regions and farms. Although they showed status of key pest in some regions or farms, the CRW were considered a secondary pest in most of the samples. For the majoriry of the interviewed people, in the last five years, the occurrence of CRW decreased or stabilized; however, they were present in some regions or farms with population growing in this period. Between the known and/or used phases of the cycle to indicate the occurrence of CRW, the egg phase is the least recognized, followed by larval and pupal phases which are rarely used in the CRW sampling. On the other hand, the foliar damages and the adult phase are most known and used for recognition and sampling of CRW. The chemical control is the only way used/recommended for CRW control and the products are rarely registered for these pest species. It is a methodological analysis, not yet refined, that is used for indication and its results clearly show the need for more studies on the main species of CRW, their biology, ecology, behavior, and damages. These basic studies should search alternatives for this pest control and this information should reach all the segments involved with citrus production, to make the management of this pest more rational and effective.


Citrus sinensis, Curculionidae, Pantomorus, Naupactus.
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