Biological Models Research and Technology
Biological Models Research and Technology
2nd August, 2022

BMRT JOURNAL: New site! More information and multimedia BMRT interaction

Although animals have been used as models for centuries, laboratory animal science (CAL) and biological modeling are recent areas of study. Science recognizes that areas such as behavior and well-being, genetics, health status, nutrition and others can affect the results of experiments on animals in the same way that they affect research on human beings. This similarity illustrates the importance of producing science in laboratory animals. CAL is a multidisciplinary area of ​​biomedical science involved in the production and use of animal models for the generation of knowledge. BMRT has the proposal to be a space for technical-scientific publications and intends to stimulate the accomplishment of works in the areas of CAL. Our mission is to propose: Diversity, Accessibility and Innovation. Regarding Innovation, the Biological Models Research and Technology Journal presents, in Brazil, the exclusive scope for CAL, Dissemination of Manuscripts with several Biological Models (mainly those that have the potential to replace the use of animals and invest in communication with the readers through social networks and other initiatives, thus we created this site, where we can expose our concentrated multimedia activities and with easy access to the public.


Biol M Res & Tech

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