Guidelines and Policies
Submission Policy
Please read the guidelines and policies provided below before accessing the submission site.
Aims and Scope:
Biological Models Research and Technology is a peer-reviewed journal committed to advancing knowledge in laboratory animal science. The journal provides a comprehensive platform for researchers, scientists, veterinarians, and professionals involved in animal care for scientific investigations.
The primary mission is to promote ethical, responsible, and humane use of laboratory animals, fostering scientific excellence and innovation. The journal disseminates high-quality original research papers and reviews covering laboratory animal science, technology, welfare, and medicine.
The journal welcomes submissions in various disciplines, including but not limited to:
1. Animal Welfare and Ethics: Manuscripts on ethical considerations, animal welfare assessment, refinement of experimental procedures, and strategies to enhance animal well-being.
2. Animal Models and Experimental Design: Research articles on the development, validation, and application of animal models, including genetic models, disease models, and transgenic animals. Manuscripts addressing experimental design, statistical methods, and optimization of animal-based research protocols are encouraged.
3. Animal Husbandry and Care: Submissions covering aspects related to the housing, nutrition, breeding, and health monitoring of laboratory animals. Topics may include innovative husbandry practices, environmental enrichment, infectious disease management, and non-invasive monitoring techniques.
4. Veterinary and Medical Care: Articles focusing on veterinary care, medicine, surgery, anesthesia, analgesia, and other medical interventions related to laboratory animals. This includes advancements in veterinary diagnostic techniques, novel treatment approaches, and strategies to minimize pain and distress during experimental procedures.
5. Animal Facility Management and Technology: Manuscripts discussing state-of-the-art technologies, equipment, and infrastructure in laboratory animal facilities. Topics may include animal facility design, biosecurity, waste management, environmental monitoring, and automation systems.
6. Regulatory and Legal Perspectives: Contributions addressing regulatory frameworks, guidelines, and legislation pertaining to the use of laboratory animals. This may include discussions on ethical review processes, animal welfare regulations, international harmonization, and efforts to reduce animal experimentation through alternative methods.
7. Education and Training: Submissions focusing on educational initiatives, training programs, and professional development for laboratory animal scientists, technicians, and researchers. This may include articles on competency-based training, continuing education, and innovative approaches to promote a culture of care and responsible animal research.
Biological Models Research and Technology encourages interdisciplinary collaboration, welcoming contributions from academia, industry, governmental organizations, and other relevant sectors. The journal aims to foster a global dialogue on laboratory animal science, technology, welfare, and medicine, with the goal of improving research outcomes and the welfare of laboratory animals.
By providing a platform for rigorous scientific discourse, Biological Models Research and Technology seeks to promote evidence-based practices, ethical considerations, and advancements in laboratory animal science, ultimately enhancing our understanding of biological processes.
Join us in shaping the future of laboratory animal science and collaborate for excellence in animal care, welfare, and scientific discovery.
Submission Requirements:
Authors, at the time of manuscript submission, assume that:
(a) The submitted manuscript was conducted ethically, responsibly, and in accordance with current legislation and editorial standards.
(b) Results were obtained honestly and without falsification or inappropriate manipulation of data.
(c) The submitted manuscript is original, not plagiarized, and has not been published elsewhere.
(d) Collective responsibility for all submitted results.
Copyright and Author Commitment:
The author(s) transfer(s) to Biological Models Research and Technology (BMRT) all copyright under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. This includes the exclusive right to print, publish, and disseminate the manuscript worldwide. This agreement becomes effective upon submission for publication. Authors confirm that the article is free of third-party copyrighted material, and they own the rights or patents presented. The author(s) declare(s) not to infringe any copyright, trademark, or patent, ensuring that the information is truthful and poses no harm when used according to instructions. Authors indemnify BMRT against costs or damages resulting from any breaches of these warranties.
Conflict of Interests:
Authors affirm, at the time of submission:
1. No personal, commercial, academic, political, or financial interests in the manuscript.
2. Full disclosure of all financial and material support for the research, clearly identified in the manuscript.
3. Awareness and agreement of affiliations with organizations or entities, with or without financial involvement, having interests or conflicts related to the subject matter.
Ethical Aspects Regarding Biological Models:
All papers must be accompanied by a scanned copy of the Project Approval Certificate from the Ethics Committee on the Use of Animals of the institution where the work was conducted. Experimental procedures must comply with current national and international legislation. The Editorial Board reserves the right to review certificates, legislation, and guidelines used as references.
Reporting Guidelines:
Authors must complete and upload the ARRIVE guidelines (Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments) when preparing manuscripts. These guidelines improve the presentation of papers reporting animal use, facilitating reproducibility and evaluation of research rigor.
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA):
Systematic reviews and meta-analysis should include the completed PRISMA Flow Diagram as a cited figure and the completed PRISA Checklist should be uploaded with your submission as a supplementary file.
Instructions for Authors and Manuscript Submission:
I. Manuscript Categories:
1. Research Article: Original research results presented in a scientific report format.
2. Review Articles: Critical and comprehensive analysis of current knowledge on a specific topic.
3. Brief Communication or Brief Technical Communication: Presentation of research structure, process, and results in various fields.
4. Case Report: Detailed description of clinical cases.
5. Conference abstracts: Publication of abstracts presented at scientific conferences or meetings.
II. Step by Step for Manuscript Submission to BMRT:
1. Submission online form: Complete the Submission Form during the submission process, including manuscript category, title, author information, affiliation, email, conflict of interest declaration, and copyright assignment.

2. Body of the Manuscript: Submit a .DOC or .DOCX file according to formatting instructions. Follow the Manuscript Submission Template for organization.
General Orientations:
Ensure adherence to English formal grammar, with a double-spaced format on A4 size paper, using Arial font size 12, justified text, and 3 cm margins.
Craft a clear and objective abstract within 300 words, avoiding categorization.
Provide 3 to 6 keywords.
In the introduction, define the problem, emphasize its significance, and articulate the purpose and hypotheses.
In Material and Methods/Methodology, detail sampling criteria, methods, and compliance with ARRIVE Guidelines.
Results should be presented without interpretations or comparisons.
Discussion should address limitations, compare with existing literature, interpret results, and propose avenues for future research.
Ensure the conclusion is substantiated by the discussion of results.
Tables must be referenced in the text and sequentially numbered with Arabic numerals based on their appearance. Each table column should include a concise explanatory heading, and when applicable, units of measurement. Avoid the use of vertical lines. Footnotes related to tables should be positioned beneath the table and indicated by superscript letters. Additionally, every table should feature a descriptive heading, along with individual column headings, ensuring the table is as self-explanatory as possible.
Figures, Graphs, and Illustrations:
Image files can either be integrated into the manuscript or submitted as distinct files in .JPG, .TIF, or .EPS format. These image files are required to be high-resolution, with a minimum of 300 dots per inch (dpi).
Graphical Abstract:
A graphical abstract is a concise and visually engaging representation of the key concepts, findings, or contributions presented in a research paper. It serves as a visual summary, allowing readers to quickly grasp the essential content and significance of the study. While not mandatory, it enhances the accessibility and communicative impact of scientific literature by providing a visual snapshot of the research. Authors are encouraged to submit an exclusive image that effectively captures the essence of the research outlined in the paper. Graphical abstracts must be uploaded as a distinct file through the submission system.
Please provide the grant number(s) and the name of the supported foundation. We welcome the inclusion of the names of animal care technicians who contributed to the welfare of the animals in our acknowledgment section.
Follow the Vancouver reference style.
Arrange references in numerical order, corresponding to citations in the text.
Abbreviate journal titles according to Index Medicus.
Utilize Arabic numerals for in-text citations in superscript, placed at the end of the sentence or clause.
In-Text Citations:
Example: This phenomenon has been widely studied1.
Reference List:
Journal Article:
1. Author(s) Last name Initial(s). Title of the article. Abbreviated Title of the Journal. Year;Volume(Issue):Page range. DOI or URL if available.
Example: Smith AB, Jones CD. Novel findings in biomedical research. J Biomed Res. 2020;15(2):123-145. doi:10.1234/jbr.2020.012345
2. Author(s) Last name Initial(s). Title of the Book. Place of publication: Publisher; Year.
Example: Miller EF. Advances in Cell Biology. New York: Academic Press; 2018.
Chapter in a Book:
3. Author(s) Last name Initial(s). Title of the chapter. In: Editor(s) Last name Initial(s), editor(s). Title of the Book. Place of publication: Publisher; Year. Page range.
Example: Johnson KL, Brown JM. Cellular mechanisms in neurobiology. In: Davis R, Smith P, editors. Comprehensive Neuroscience. Boston: Springer; 2015. p. 45-67.
The reference list is typically numbered consecutively based on the order of appearance in the text.
If a source has more than six authors, list the first six followed by "et al."
Publication Fee:
BMRT uses Article Processing Charges (APCs) to cover publication expenses. Adopting an Open Access approach, all content is freely accessible online. Authors bear responsibility for publication fees (APCs) billed to the Corresponding Author upon paper acceptance.
We extend our gratitude for choosing our publication platform. The associated fee encompasses a comprehensive array of professional services to elevate the quality, visibility, and accessibility of your scholarly contribution:
Layout Precision: Professional formatting of your manuscript, ensuring visual and structural coherence.
Compliance Verification: Rigorous scrutiny to ensure adherence to our checklist and provided author instructions.
Metadata Validation: Thorough validation of dates, licensing agreements, ORCID information, and the assignment of DOIs.
Effective Communication: Engaged collaboration with authors to refine and proof content for accuracy.
Bibliographic Consistency: Standardization of bibliographic references for uniformity.
Citation Precision: Scrutiny of figures, tables, and bibliographic references for accurate citation.
Discrepancy Resolution: Addressing and correcting any discrepancies in collaboration with authors during proofing.
Efficient Editorial Management: Utilization of an editorial production management system for seamless layout and proof exchange.
DOI Acquisition: Expedited payment and acquisition of DOIs utilizing the Crossref prefix of Editora Cubo.
For articles accepted from Volume 04 onwards, the publication fee will be as follows, irrespective of paper length:
R$600.00 BRL per paper for Brazilian authors
US$125.00 USD per paper for international authors.
The Journal does not provide reprints to corresponding authors, and there is no charge for color figures.
The publication fee will only be processed after the author(s) receive(s) the acceptance letter, provided in a private link, and at the time of article processing.
For questions, contact
*Biological Models Research and Technology © 2021 is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International. To view a copy of this license, visit