Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural

Diversification, mid-term rainfall and agricultural production. An analysis of the Brazilian Northeast region

Pietro André Telatin Paschoalino; José Luiz Parré; André Luis Squarize Chagas

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Studies on agricultural diversification in Brazil have gained greater notoriety in recent years, and it is a research topic that requires further exploration to understand how this variable relates to other agricultural indicators, particularly production, especially in regions with highly particular climates, such as the Brazilian Northeast. This study evaluates the relationship between agricultural diversification and medium-term rainfall in the northeastern microregions and agricultural production, considering possible spatial effects. The methodological strategy included estimating panel data and spatial panel models for the micro-regions of the Brazilian Northeast, considering the years 2006 and 2017. The database consisted of information from the Agricultural Census, the Municipal Agricultural Survey, and data from the University of East Anglia. In general, agricultural diversification showed an inverse relationship with agricultural production, and medium-term rainfall proved to be a variable highly related to agricultural production.


agricultural diversification, rurality, rainfall


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