Low Carbon Brazilian Beef: challenges in sustainable production and conscious consumption among consumers in Rio de Janeiro
Carla Machado de Araujo Lopes; Thelma Lucchese Cheung; Juliana Cunha de Andrade; Rosires Deliza
The perception and purchase intention regarding “Low Carbon Brazilian Beef (LCBB)” was
evaluated through an online survey was conducted with 851 beef consumers residing in the state of Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil. Free Word Association was used by asking participants to describe the first four words that
came to mind when faced with the stimulus “LCBB”. The conjoint analysis was then used to investigate the
intention to buy beef, considering different factors on the label, in two experimental conditions: With and
without information on the definition of LCBB. Environmental associations were most reported by women,
people aged 46 to 65, those with higher educational levels and family income. Access to information about
LCBB increased purchase intention, but price was the most determining factor. Furthermore, the claims
associated with sustainability and animal welfare were attributes that were perceived positively. However, we
found that consumers do not associate environmental aspects with the sensory quality of meat. The incisive
communication actions must be created to deconstruct the consumer’s perception that the advancement of
sustainable livestock farming will not negatively impact the taste of meat and, consequently, the well-being
of consumers themselves.
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