Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
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Monitoring and Evaluation of the Agricultural and Rural Renewal Program in Algeria: case of the Ouarsenis area

Mohamed Tebani; Khalladi Mederbal

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Abstract:: In Algeria, agriculture continues to suffer from short-term strategies and is unsuitable for the needs of populations and rural areas. This study examines the evaluation of the Agricultural and Rural Program (ARRP) initiated in Algeria for the period (2009-2014). This work was carried in the Ouarsenis area located in the north-west of the country. It is based on regular monitoring on the ground of the rate of achievement of the targets foreseen. We concentrated our efforts on the projects financed by the main intervention funds of this program. The results achieved are far from the targets for the economic component, a situation mainly expressed by the low income of the rural population and the number of jobs created. However, an improvement in the living conditions of the population was recorded in the social component. Concerning the environmental aspect, the results are considered acceptable for the restoration of the forest patrimony and low for the protection of the soil. We believe that this policy rests on foundations that have not really been translated into the field in the continuity of previous approaches and lack of governance with poorly managed material, financial and human resources.


Agricultural policies, agricultural economy, rural development, Ouarsenis, Algeria


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