Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
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Strategic Institutional Management in Dairy Cooperatives - a theoretical appointment

Gustavo Leonardo Simão; Luiz Marcelo Antonialli; Túlio Carvalho C. de Souza Netto; Antonio Carlos dos Santos

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Abstract:: The competitive agribusiness environment has been pressing organizational actors of dairy cooperatives to implement new structures. In this sense, many scholars advocate the existence of isomorphic practices that are not suitable for cooperative enterprises. This theoretical paper assumes that there are strategic actions related to the institutional demands, implemented by cooperative decision makers in relation to environmental pressures. Thus, we aimed to analyze how can be structured such strategic actions in relation to the institutional pressures of two organizational subfields related to cooperative business, in order to maintain the legitimacy of the business. For this, we drafted the projection of five analytical frameworks. As conclusions, it is inferred that a cooperative business restructuring not always tends to express an atomism of decision makers in relation to institutional demands of the organizational field, given that the demands are ambivalent and need to be met in order to obtain minimum level of legitimacy necessary for the organization survival.


cooperativism, institutional ambivalence, strategy action


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