Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
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Does the Geographical Proximity Matter in Knowledge and Information Flow? A study about wine cluster in the Southern region of Brazil

Janaína Ruffoni; Ana Lúcia Tatsch; Rafael Stefani; Paola Rücker Schaeffer; Lenise Gessí Grings

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Abstract:: This study aims to analyze technological knowledge and information flows intra and extra-cluster, as well as the cognitive roles the firms play. It was decided to investigate such flows among firms and institutions that compose the wine cluster of Vale dos Vinhedos, mountain region of Rio Grande do Sul, responsible for approximately 90% of the national wine production. The social network method was used for this article. As main results, it is highlighted: the information flow has a distinct dynamic from the technological knowledge flow established among firms; they play different cognitive roles in the identified technological knowledge network; great part of the connections established is with companies from the cluster itself; and the search for knowledge in support institutions in the area is intense, highlighting the importance of geographical proximity in the established relations.


Innovation, knowledge and information flows, firms’ cognitive roles, social network.


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