Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural


G. Edward Schuh

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1. BACHA, E.L., ARAOJO, A.B., MATA, M. da e MODENESI, R.L. "Análise Governamental de Projetos de Investimento no Brasil: Procedimentos e Recomendações", Relatório 1, Rio de Janeiro, IPEA/INPES, 1971.

2. BAER, W., "Regional Inequality and Economic Growth in Brazil", "Economic Development and Cultural Change", Vol. 1 (Abril 1964), p. 268-285.

3. BERGSMAN, J. e MORLEY S.A., "Import Constraints and Development: Causes of the Recent Declina of Brazilian Economic Growth: A Comment" "The Review of Economics and Statistics", Vol. 51, N.º ] ,Fevereiro 1969 p. 102-103. '

4. BERGSMA~, J. "Brazil - Industrialization and Trade Policies", Londres, Oxford University Press, 1970.

5. BERGSMAN, J. e MALAN, P. "The Structure of Industry Protection in Brazil" Revista Brasileira de Economia", Vol. 24, N. 0 2, Abril/Junho 1970, p. 145-189.

6. DOELLINGER, C. von, FARIA, C., RAMOS, R.N.M. e CAVALCANTI, L. C. "Transformação de Estrutura das Exportações Brasileiras: 1964/1970, Re

latõrio 14, Rio de Janeiro, IPEA/INPES, 1973.

7. FUNDAÇIIO GETOLIO VARGAS, "Conjuntura Econômica", Vol. 29, N.º 2, Fevereiro 1975, p. 112.

8. GRUNWALD, J. e MUSGROVE P. "Natural Resources in Latin American Development", Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press, publicada para Resources for the Future, Ind., 1970.

9. HARBERGER, A.e. "A Structural Approach to the Problem of Import Demand", "American Economic Review", Vol. 43, 1953, p. 148-59.

10. LEFF, N.H. "Export Stagnation and Autarkic Development in Brazil, 1947-1962", Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 81, N.º 2, Maio 1967, p. 286-301.

11. . "Import Constraints and Development: Causes of the Recent Decline of Brazilian Economic Growth", "The Review of Economics and Statistics. Vol. 49, N. 0 4, Novembro 1967, p. 494-501.

12. . Economic Policy-Making and Development in Brazil, 1947-1964, New York, John Wiley and Sons, Ind., 1968.

13. . "The Exportab 1 e Surp 1 us ' Approach to Farei gn Trade in Underdeveloped Coun!ries", "Economic Development and Cultural Change", Vol. 17, N. 3, Abri 1 1969, p. 347-355.

14. MARTIN, M.A. "The Modernization of Brazilian Agriculture: An Analysis of Unbalanced Development", tese de Ph.D. não publicada, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 1976.

15. MARTIN, M.A., e SCHUH, G.E. "Brazilian•Trade Policy and Its Impact on the Regional Distribution of Income", apresentada na Reunião Anual da American Agricultural Economics Association, Agosto 15-18 de 1976 (mimeografado).

16. MORLEY, S. "Changes in Employment and the Distribution of Income During the Brazilian 'Miracle'"; Technical Report N. 0 23, Human Resources Planning Project, UNDP, Abril 1976.

17. SCHUH, G.E. "The Incarne Problem in Brazilian Agriculture", preparado para EAPA/SUPLAN do Ministério da Agricultura, como insumo para os subsídio ao segundo Programa Nacional de Desenvolvimento (PND}, 1974 (mi-=meografado).

18. . "The Exchange Rate and U.S. Agriculture: Reply", "American Journal of Agricultural Economics", Vol. 57, N. 0 4, Novembro 1975, p. 696-700.

19. . "Imperfections i n the Labor Market and Policy for the Rural Poor in Brazil", apresentado como um Documento de Diretrizes na Conference on Problems of Rural Poverty in Brazil, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, 21-23 Agosto de 1976 (mimeografado).

20. . "The New Macroeconomics of Agriculture", "American Journal of Agricultural Economics" Vol. 58, N. 0 5, Dezembro 1976 (a sair).

21. SIMONSEN, M.H. "Brasil 2002", São Paulo, APEC, 1974, Cap. 6.

22. THOMPSON, R.L. e SCHUH, G.E. "Trade Policy and Exports: The Case of Corn in Brazil", Department of Agricultura] Economics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana (mimeografado).

23. VEIGA, A. "The Impact of Trade Policy on Brazilian Agriculture, 1947-1967", tese não publicada, Purdue University, 1974.

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