Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Original article


Jose Cesar Vieira Pinheiro

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The purpose of this study is to estimate how much the families of a typical rural community in Ceara would be willing to pay (WTP) for a potable piped water supply system. Moreover, this work analyzed the strategies used by people in order to obtain water, at a place where there is a high scarcity of water. All the data were collected in March 1999 during a research held in Por,;o da Om;a, a community in the Taua area (Ceara State), where we can find 126 households and a public brackish water tap. Residents spend, on average, R$ 12.15/month on potable water, which is collected at distant sources. By the logit model, this study estimated that families would be WTP R$15.61/month for an improved potable piped water supply system. It was also confirmed that the users' water storage capacity, their bonds of kinship and time of the year are factors that should be always considered by water supply policies to influence the type of solidarity as much as the several kinds of conflicts.


Water demand, water supply, logit model


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