Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Original article


Andrew E Seidl; Andre Steffens Monies; Roberto Aguilar Machado S. Silva

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The Pantanal is a tropical seasonal wetland 138,000 km2 in area located in the Central-West of Brazil. The Pantanal contains approximately 4,100 agricultural properties, 3 million cattle, 49,000 horses, and a unique diversity of wildlife. Cattle ranching is the most important economic activity in the Pantanal. This study explores the regional policy and distributive impacts of three economically feasible treatment strategies for mitigating the financial impacts of Trypanosoma evansi in the Brazilian Pantanal based on four agricultural property size categories. Horses are indispensable to the cattle ranching industry in the Pantanal and T. evansi kills horses. The estimated total annual cost ofT. evansi to Pantanal cattle ranches is US$2.4 million. Results indicate that those ranches with the most horses stand to gain or to lose the most in gross figures but less in relative terms. While recommended strategies remain the same, economies of scale in curative treatment strategies result in diminishing treatment costs per animal as ranch size increases. Incentive-based policies should reflect the distinct financial incentives which motivate different size ranches in order to achieve wide adoption of treatment strategies for the least expense. 


Animal health economics, Trypanosoma evansi, tropical horse disease, financial analysis.


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