Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Original article


Antonio Cordeiro de Santana

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The Brazilian meat demand system was analyzed from 1990 to 1997, focusing on the relationship between beef, pork, and chicken meat in terms of substitutability relations. Changes in demand arose from the increase in consumption of high value-added products and prepared food from self-service restaurants and fast food chains. A model of seemingly unrelated regressions was proposed for the analyses of the meat demand system because it is appropriate and has never been used in Brazil. The results show that meat demand is price-inelastic and incomeinelastic. The cross-price elasticities indicate that pork is a substitute for beef, and chicken is a complement to both beef and pork.


Meat demand system, price-elasticity, cross-price elasticity, consumption, Brazil.


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